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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级下册Checkout time & Ticking time下载详情
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3. 能够掌握并运用现在进行时的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答。




PPT, 课件,教学卡片


Step1. Warm up and revision

Free talk

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Just now we have listened to a song about the food. Now let’s have a free talk about the food. Can you tell me what food do you like and why?

S: I like … because ….


Review the story time

T:I like tomato soup because I like tomatoes very much. So I like tomato soup, fried eggs with tomatoes, tomato slices with sugar. I want to cook them in the kitchen.

Do you remember who is in the kitchen in our story time?

S: Liu Tao, Mr Liu and Mrs Liu.

T: Yes, they are in the kitchen, too. Can you ask some questions about them according to the story?

Ss try to ask and answer.

T: Good job. Can you retell the text according to the mind map?

Ss try to retell the text according to the mind map.

设计意图:通过教师想在厨房里煮美味的食物引出story time的复习,并请学生自由提问回答,激发学生说的欲望,最后通过思维导图复述课文。

T: Wonderful. And how’s the meat and how’s the soup?

S: They’re yummy.

T: Yes, Mr Liu and Mrs Liu are good cooks. But look at me, look at Miss Wang. I cooked fried eggs with tomatoes. It’s so terrible. Oh, I want to be a good cook. But how to be a good cook? Maybe the video can tell us.

Ss watch the video.

T: Now can you tell me, how to be a good cook?

S: Choose fresh food. Do more exercise. Share food.

设计意图:教师本人失败的厨艺自然引出本课的主线:How to be a good cook?并通过三个步骤将本课主要学习环节相互串联。

Step 2. Presentation.

Task 1:Choose some fresh food---Look and write

T: To be a good cook, first, we should choose fresh food. And I bought some fresh food from the supermarket and put them in my fridge. Now, I’ll give 15 seconds to remember them.
