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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级上册Section C下载详情
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Instructional objectives: Master words and phrases

Educational objectives:

1). Develop reading skills: skimming and scanning;

2). Develop independent learning and cooperative learning;

3). Understand the structure of the passage and learn how to make a scrapbook.

3. Personal objectives: Understand the importance of having a hobby.

Focal points:

Master words and phrases;

Develop reading skills.

Difficult points:

Understand the structure of the passage

Procedures and time allotment

Stage 1 Getting students ready for learning ( 3 mins)

(Purpose: form a good relationship with students and lead them to the new class)

Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Free talk: talk about hobbies (show some photos of my baby and me)

Stage 2 Pre-reading ( 5 mins)

Step 1 Present new vocabulary and practice:

Ask and answer(Purpose: learn new words and phrases easily)

( learn new words: glue, scissors, background paper and cut)

( show some pictures of glue, scissors, and background paper )

( use phonics to teach new words)

Practise(Purpose: consolidate the pronunciation of words)

Step 2 Predict(Purpose: predict the main idea of the passage)

Stage 3 While-reading ( 20 mins)

Step 1 Skim the passage(Purpose: develop skimming and independent learning)

Task 1: read the passage quickly and silently and choose the title.

Tip1: The title should summarize the main idea of a passage. It can help you predict what a passage is about.

Task 2: read the passage again and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph.

( use wh-/how to summarize each paragraph according to the topic sentence)