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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级上册Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time下载详情
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2. 能在前两课基础上正确并熟练地表达将来时。


Step1 Warm up and revision


2.T: Today we’ll go on learning Unit8 Chinese New Year. (齐读课题)

3. Brain storm. Say something about Chinese New Year.

Step2 Sound time

1. Look and learn

T: I like Chinese New Year. Because all the family members are going to get together and have a big dinner. We cook lots of nice food.

2. Look, here’s a cook. What’s in his hand? There’s a book. It’s a cookbook. He’s looking at a cookbook.

3. Why is he looking at a cookbook ? Listen and choose the right answers.

4. Look, find and read.(找出含有字母组合oo的单词,总结出读音,跟读)

5. A game. (根据读音分类) (T: Here are many words, they all have “oo”, let’s put them in the right bowl.)

6. Learn new words: hook, chook, brook

(1) Try to read the words.

(2) Look at the pictures, get to know the meaning of the words.

(3) Fill in the blanks.

Step3 Cartoon time

1. T: Chinese New Year is coming. What are Bobby and Tina going to do at Chinese New Year? Today, we are going to enjoy a story about it. Here are 4 pictures about the story. Look at the pictures. Do you have any questions?

2. Watch the cartoon. Find out the answers.

3. Think and ask

4. Listen and repeat.

5. Show time.

Step4 Culture time

1.T: Bobby and Tina are going to have a happy Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China. We also call it “Spring Festival”. (Learn“the most important”) Do you know other Chinese Festivals?

2.Listen and guess: What holiday is it? S: Christmas, Thanksgiving

3. T:Read the sentences. What can you find?

4. T: Yes. They are all very important. Let’s know more about Christmas and Thanksgiving.

5. T: Today we enjoyed some holidays. We feel the love from them. Different countries have different holidays and customs.

