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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级上册Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time下载详情
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to …



Step1 Warm up

Watch a viedo

T: What is the viedo about?

S: It’s about Chinese New Year.

T: What can we do at Chinese New Year? Let’s talk about it.

Step2 Presentation

T: Do you remember what are Anna’s family going to do at Chinese New Year?

S: They’re going to …

Teach: What are they going to do?

They’re going to …

T: What about on Chinese New Year’s Eve and on the second day of Chinese New Year?

Let’s talk about it in pairs.

T: They’re Anna’s plan for Chinese New Year. What about your plans for Chinese New Year?

Teach: plan

T: The answers are in the red packets. Please open it and put the words in the right orders.

Teach: What are you going to do?

I’m going to / We’re going to …

What is he / she going todo?

He / She is going to …

Play a game: quick respond

T: Look at these sentences, can you find the rules?

S: They all have “be going to…”

T: Yes, it’s future tense. We always can see “tomorrow” “next week” in these sentences, and in these sentences we should use “be going to…”

Show some pictures and practise in pairs.

T: We know Ann’s going to do many things at Chinese New Year. And we’re going to do many things too. What are Bobby and Tina? What are they going to do at Chinese New Year?

Watch the cartoon and answer the questions

Find the sentences about Bobby’s emotion?
