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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级下册Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time下载详情
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T: Yes. Road safety is very important. Especially, we mustn’t run a red light. And we also remind our parents, say to them: Red man stop! Green man go!(引导学生看课件大声说出来)

Step2. Fun time

T: Great. Now let’s play a game: Red man stop, and green man go.

(game rules: pass the ball in groups one by one. When I say one two three go, start to pas it.

When I say red man stop. You must stop passing.and who gets the ball, please choose one of numbers , and answer the question.

When I say green man ,please go on passing the ball)

Step3. Stress

(游戏进行到最后一位同学)T: please read the sentence for us again.

S: red man, stop. Green man go.

T: OK. Listen to me . red man stop, green man go. Who is better? What’s the different?

Look, we call this “stress”


Listen carefully, and try to find out the stress in each sentence.(学生默读tip)

T: Ready,three, two, one start.(播放录音)

T: Sentence one, which word is stress? S1:…

T: Good , can you read it? S2:…


Read after the tape one by one.

Read together.

Step4. Cartoon time

学习尝试挑战cartoon time 中的句子,引出cartoon time的学习。

Look at this picture, what is Tina doing ? S: She’s calling.

Listen and answer: who is Tina calling? Where do Bobby and Tina want to go?

Let’s read: Boys and Tina. Girls are Aunt Alice. 学习词组:get to…到达。

T:Bobby and Tina go to Alice’s home by bus. So, look ,they get on the bus.学习词组:get on 上车。 Let’s read, boys are Bobby, girls are Tina.

Let’s read together, and attention the stress , ok?

The bus stops again and again. T: How many times does the bus stop? Let’s watch.

Ss: the bus stops twice.

T: Why does the bus stop? Please read pic3 and pic4.

