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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版一年级起点五年级下册Unit 1 Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs?下载详情

五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)《Unit 1 Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs?》精品教案下载-清远市优质课

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Say a chant: I’ve got a dog.

Free talk:I can see many animals. Have you got animals? What animals have you got?

(设计意图:用本课重点句型: Have you got…? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.通过chant活跃课堂气氛,将学生快速带进课堂教学环境。)


Has Mr. Hook got any animals? What has he got? Watch the CD.

Ss: He’s got books.

T: I haven’t got books, but I’ve got DVDs. What does it about?

Ss: Harry Potter.

T: Today we’ll learn M3U1 Have you got Harry Potter DVDs? Do you like DVDs? Please try hard girls and boys, I’ll exchange them with the winners.


Task presentation

But before we exchange books, we have to know how to borrow books. What to borrow? Where? Card? When to return?



1. T: Where can you borrow books?

Ss: in the library.

T: Now let’s go to the library with Amy and Linging. What the woman?

Ss: She’s the librarian. (讲授librarian)

T: What do they want to do in the library? Watch the CD.

Ss: They want to borrow Harry Potter DVDs.

T: How does Amy ask? How does the librarian answer?

Amy: Excuse me! Have you got Harry Potter DVDs? (板书)

L: I’ll look on the computer. Sorry we haven’t got DVDs.


T: What have they got?

Ss: They’ve got the books.

2. Do you like Harry Potter books? Children in China like Harry Potter, too.

3. Where are the books?

I’ll show them to you.(板书)(讲授show)

4. T: What do you need?
