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人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)《Lesson 32》公开课教案下载-如皋市优质课

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(一)热身练习 激情导学 1. Greeting. 2. Warming up. a. Talk about the picture in pairs. (PPT出示四组不同水果树的图片,学生仿照L31表演对话) b. Play a game T: Look!I have an interesting thing for you. What’s this? (老师拿出一个苹果形状的小本) Ss: It’s a book. T: Now what’s this? (教师把这个小本打开变成了个苹果的形状) Ss: It’s an apple. T: Yes, It looks like an apple. Do you like apples?T: It’s good for us. If you want it,you can ask me: “ Can I have a piece?” Then I’ll give it to you. Ss:Can I have a piece? T: Sure, here you are. Who can help me? (教师让学生帮忙发便签纸时,做问答练习)

(二),创设情境 探究新知 1.Learn the new words and the sentences . a. Jigsaw. (导入新课): Learn the word “pear”. T: Look at the jigsaw. (看幻灯片猜拼图:一幅梨的剪纸。) T: What’s this? S: It’s a pear. T:The paper cutting is beautiful. Let’s talk about it. S: It’s good ? T:Can you make a pear with this paper? (学生以最快的速度用画,剪,撕纸等方式制作梨) T:Ask and answer in pairs.(小组问答) S1:What’s this? S2: It’s a pear. T: Can you write down the sentences on the paper, then show us?(在幻灯下展示学生的书写情况) 用传统艺术剪纸导入新课,提高游戏趣味性和艺术性。学生结合知识储备谈论拼图达到巩固本课目标语言的目的。同时在英语学习过程中进行文化渗透,陶冶美的情操。 b. Riddles: 1)Listen,read and guess.(听,读,猜单词) 听力材料: It’s big and sweet(甜的). It’s a kind of melon. It grows(生长) in Xinjiang. T: What’s that? S: It’s a Hami melon. 2) Look, say and guess. (PPT出示西瓜图,让一个学生面向大家,根据其他同学描述猜单词)。 T: What’s that? S: It’s a watermelon. (操练该词,强调重音在前面) T:Let’s spell it.(板书) 通过制作梨,书写句子并进行展示的活动,让学生在听说感知语言的基础上,对熟知语言以读写方式输出,从而也突破了本课的教学重难点。 c. Guess(看,摸,描述, 猜coconut) T: I have another fruit in the box. Some of you can look, touch and say something about it, others guess what that is. S:It’s a coconut.(操练该词时强调中间没有[?]) T: What’s in the coconut? S1: Milk. S2:Juice. S3:Water. 利用猜谜语的活动学习新知,提高学生兴趣的同时,充分锻炼语言表达能力。 d. Read and write. T: coco +nut coconut? (引导学生说类似合成词) 帮助学生初步认知和理解合成词的构成。 T: Now let’s read and write. This is a grape. It’s a kind of fruit. grape + fruit grapefruit (学习单词fruit,小组问答) 通过看图填词,根据句意推理完成全句,逐步训练学生阅读理解能力。 2. Learn and practise new the sentences. T: Do you like it? If you like it, please say like this “The grapefruit is yummy. Can I have one?” (教师出示柚子图片,引导学生回答) S: The grapefruit is yummy. Can I have one? T:Yes,I’ll buy one for you. (两人一组进行问答练习) 在真实的语境中与同伴交流,感知运用语言。 (三)趣味操练 巩固新知 1.Watch the PPT 1.T: Do you like grapefruits? S1: Yes, can I have one? T:Yes, but not this. (教师指着图片) . We’ll buy one in the... (引导学生说出supermarket, shop?等名词) T:Now let’s go shopping. (创设情景,幻灯出示商店的场景) 创设商店购物的情景,通过师生的示范感知语言素材,拉近知识与生活的距离,表演对话,在生活实际中运用语言来交流,帮助学生活学活用。 2.Talk about the things in the shop 2. T:Wow,so many things.(讨论商店物品) What’s this/ that?(教师提问,学生回答) T:Who wants to ask me? S1: What’s this? T: It’s a grapefruit. S1: A grapefruit? It’s so big. T: Yes, it’s yummy. Do you like it? S1: Yes. Can I have one? T: Sure, I’ll buy one for you. S1: Thank you. T: That’s all right.(教师点击水果,水果进购物车) 3. T: Prepare the dialogue in pairs

4. T: Now show the dialogue in pairs, please. (四)课堂拓展,发展潜能 1. Say the chant. 1. Watch and listen. (教师播放视频让学生先听在跟读。) 2. Say the chant. 通过听歌谣在从中发现发音规律并达到巩固和扩展延伸的作用。 2.Talk about the chant 3. (幻灯出示chant 内容) T:Let’s read the word beginning with the letter “f”. It pronounces [f]. (根据发音规律,让学生举例说明f字母在单词中发音[f]) 4. Watch and say. T:Let’s watch the video. What are they doing? (看视频来听他们在干什么?) T: The teachers and the student are making a shopping list. (看师生讨论超市宣传海报,制订购物计划。) 强化新知,从听说读写单词句子、到理解再到逐步灵活运用语言的过程, 实现了知识的层层递进, 由浅及深,符合学生的认知特点, 5. T:Now talk about your shopping list in groups. (利用超市海报创设情景,制订购物计划,表演对话。) 同时也拉近了知识与生活的距离,达到学以致用,扩展延伸。 引导学生给家人和朋友购买喜爱的物品。


Make fruits cards, and make a dialogue with your partners.