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人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)《Lesson 15》最新教案下载-曲靖市优质课

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Learning strategies:

Students can improve their abilities of listening, reading and speaking by reading with questions, speed reading, layered reading and reading aloud.

Students can actively cooperate with others to complete the learning tasks.

Cultural awareness:

Students know about more home rules and obey them.Key pointsStudents can master the words: should, shouldn't.

Students can read the text fluently and understand it correctly.

Students can talk about their home rules.DifficultiesThrough the functional teaching and practice in groups, students can talk about their home rules.Teaching aidsPPT cardsTeaching procedureStepsTeacher’s activities Students’ activitieDesign purpose

Step 1


and revision


Play a game.

Look and say quickly.

Sing a song.

Are you a good boy? Are you a good gir?Say “hello”

Look and say the words clearly and quickly.

Sing loudly.Motivate students’ learning interest and make a revision

Step 2

Presentation and drill

Free talk.

Are you a good boy? Are you a good gir?

Present the key sentence "We should obey the rules."

Play videos and answer the questions.

4. Teach the new words "should and shouldn't"

5.Solve the problems “what do you think of Peter?”Talk about "How to be a good boy or a good girl?"

Learn to say.

Watch, listen and answer.

Read the text and find the answers.

Answer the questions and read the words and phrases.Learn the new knowledge and create suitable language situations to help students to reach a better understanding of the text.

Step 3
