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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点六年级上册Lesson 19下载详情
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the second month of the year

Watch the cartoon and answer

1. When is New Year’s Day?

2.What do people do on New Year’s Day?

Watch the cartoon and answer

1. When is New Year’s Day?

New Year’s Day is the first day of the year.

New Year’s Day is January the first.

2.What do people do on New Year’s Day?

People have a holiday and they celebrate New Year’s Day.

Spring Festival is usually in January or February.

Now people call it .

Chinese New Year

Watch the cartoon and answer

1.When is Spring Festival?

2.What do people do on Spring Festival?

3. What do people eat on the eve of Spring Festival?

Read by yourself

Line the answer

Watch the cartoon and answer

1.When is Spring Festival?

Spring Festival is usually in January or February.

2.What do people do on Spring Festival?

People have a holiday.

People go back home to celebrate the festival with their families.

3. What do people eat on the eve of Spring Festival?

In the north of China , people have dumplings .

In the south of China . people have rice cakes .

Let’s talk

1.How’s the weather on during Spring Festival ?