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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: Charity work下载详情
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The Class1, Grade 8 students are going to give a presentation on how to go green. Here are Millie’s ideas. Read her notes carefully .

What can we do to save water?

Take shorter showers.

Turn off the tape when we brush teeth.

Reuse water if possible.

Do you have any other ways to save water?

wash clothes by hand

never play water guns

protect the water pipes

What can we do to save power?

Turn off the lights when we leave a room.

Turn off the power when our TV or computer is not in use.

Do you have any other ways to save power?

buy energy-saving electrical equipment

clean the outlet (通风口)of the

air conditioner regularly

turn off the lights for an hour

What can we do to reduce pollution?

Do not use plastic bags. Take our own bags when shopping.

Separate waste into different group.

Do you have any other ways to reduce pollution?

reduce the use of the paper and

use the two sides of the paper

give up smoking

walk to school or to work

What else can we do to live a green life?

Do more exercise and watch less TV.

Plant some flowers at home.

Other ways to go green ?
