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模块六 Module VI Making a better world《Reading(2):The UN—bringing everyone closer together》精品PPT课件优质课下载

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模块六 Module VI Making a better world《Reading(2):The UN—bringing everyone closer together》精品PPT课件优质课下载

2. Raise a question for the other groups to answer. (小组提问,他组抢答)

If you raise a question, you can earn 1 score.

If you answer a question correctly, you can earn

2 scores.

If you break the rules, you will lose 1 score.

Try not to raise questions that are too easy.


Task two:Individual and team work

Finish the task alone.

Discuss the answers in groups.

The quickest two groups present the answers on the blackboard. (Completely right, 3 scores)

The other groups correct the mistakes.

(If right, 2 scores)

3 ----Excuse me, sir. My visa is due at the end of this month, can I _________ it ?

----Sure .You can just go to the public Security Office in our city to fill in some forms.

A expand B extend C postpone D confirm

4 The fine selection of the major works was done in close collaboration (合作)with the Museo Nacional Reina Sofia in Madrid, Spain, and with contributions from other institutions like the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida.

What does the word “contributions ”refer to?

A Artworks B Projects C Donations D Documents

5 If Haley felt richest when she almost lost what she value most, Silvana Clark felt richest when she did lose everything--------voluntarily. She and her husband got rid of their house and moved into a 240-square-foot RV(房车). Their chosen vocation: to travel around the country delivering donated shoes and shelters.

Silvana Clark and her husband _______________ to give up their house and chose to _______________donated shoes to people in misery.



1 Do you think it is important to help others?

