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Who’s that?

Boss, this is Zhou Yang, a new journalist

Come in, please.

Oh, a new journalist comes to talk with his boss. I believe their conversation must be useful.

Please read the conversation quickly and help me find the answers of these questions

Fast reading

1.Can a new journalist go out on a story immediately? Why?

2.What should a journalist take with him?

3.What does a journalist need to remember when he goes out to cover a story?

4. How can we listen carefully while taking notes?

I need to know more, please continue helping me.

Careful reading

1.How to be a good journalist?

(1) Be curious, ask many different questions to acquire more information

(2) Have a good nose for a story

(3) Use research to inform themselves of the missing part of the story

(4) Finish his task on time, be polite, talk little but listen carefully

2. What did they do when someone accused the journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?

They arranged an interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bribe him. They thought these two men didn’t tell the truth, so they wrote an article suggesting he was guilty and they were proved right.


What would you do if someone doubts you (when you decide to do something or say something)?Will you stick to your own point (坚持自己的观点)or change your mind?

I hope you will stick to your own point all the time. Once you set a goal, you can do your best to achieve it. Whatever difficulties you will meet, you should never give up. No matter who doubts you, you can still do the thing that you think is right.

Thank you for your help, friends. I will try my best to become a good journalist. Whatever difficulties I will meet, I will never give up.


Please write a passage about your future occupation(职业).(No less than 100 words)