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I would fly in the blue sky.

If I were a baby,

I would never cry.

If I were a bright star,

I would shine at night.

If I were a millionaire,

I would travel everywhere.

But sadly I’m not,

so I must make the best of life as it is.

Enjoy a poem

Reading and discovering

Read the following passage Carefully

and underline the sentences

using subjunctive mood.

Liu Xiang won his third Asian 110-meter

hurdles championship!

Looking back on the 2008 Olympic Games, Liu limped off the trackbecause of injury. Liu apologized in public for his withdrawal “I wanted to insist on, but I couldn’t. If I had finished the race, I would have risked my tend on...”

Liu did make the right decision. If he hadn't given up then, he would have got worse injured.It is hard to imagine how much Liu suffered. Luckily, he didn't lose heart. he said," I believe I will come back.”Yes, he made it. If he hadn't been so determined, he wouldn't have succeeded again.

Liu is really a man worth respecting.

We should learn how to face difficulties

in life from him. If you were to meet with

difficulties in the future, would you stick

to your goal as Liu Xiang does? And if you

were Liu Xiang now, what would you do,

to retire and live a comfortable life or to