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3.? Understand the importance of environmental


After reading the passage, answer the following questions.

Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?

A. ?①;?② ;? ③; ④ B. ① ;? ② ③ ;??④??

C. ① ② ;? ③ ;?④ ?? ?D. ① ②; ③ ④

( ①=" para" 1; ②=" para" 2; ③=" para" 3; ④=“parag 4 )

2:The word “toxic” in the paragraph 2 most probably mean“_____”

A.Precious B.Extra C.Poisonous D.useless

3: From the text. we know the fact that_________

A.Chinese smokers litter up to 4. 5 trillion butts every year

B.people in the world use 2 billion plastic bags in a single day

C.plastic bags cause 1 million deaths of seabirds each year worldwide

D.the butts can last 20 to 1,000 years in the environment of China

Para. 1

Para. 2

Para. 3

Para. 4

All sorts of items become litter, but two of the … are cigarette butts and plastic bags.

Although cigarette butts are small, they are BAD for the environment.

Plastic bags are another common form of litter that is a DANGER to the environment.

Cleaning up your cigarette butts and plastic bags would IMPROVE the environment.

Topic Sentence

Paragraph 2:

First point of the argument: Cigarette butts are BAD for the environment.