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师梦圆小学英语教材同步新世纪课标版五年级上册Unit 6 A story about the Wright brothers下载详情
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新世纪版英语五年级上册《Unit 6 A story about the Wright brothers》优质课ppt课件

the Wright brothers

1.When they were young, what were they interested in?

2.What did they do when they were at a young age?

3.What did they do during their spare time?

1.When they were young, what were they interested in?

2.What did they do when they were at a young age?

3.What did they do during their spare time?

They made paper planes during their spare time.

They were interested in flying.

They flew kites and watched birds flying.

There were two famous brothers in America. They were Orville and Wilbur Wright. They were both interested in flying. At a young age, they flew kites and watched birds flying. They made paper planes during their spare time. They had a dream of flying some day. Their lives became wonderful.

How did they follow their dream?

The End

1.What happened when their first plane flew into the sky?

2.Did they give up after that?

3.What did they do?