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新世纪版五年级上册《Unit 6 A story about the Wright brothers》优秀教学课件

sister ruler.

The dirty girl’s mother is a nurse.

This is a story about her sister’s ruler.

What did you do during the summer holiday?

I’m Wilbur Wright. I was interested in flying. I had a dream of flying. I did a lot of things.

When I was little, I studied hard. I read a lot of books. I flew kites with my brother. We watched birds together. We played games together.

When I grew up, I made a plane with my brother. The plane flew into the sky. My dream came true.

Wilbur Wright

A story about the dream

I’m Wilbur Wright.

I was interested in flying.

I had a dream of flying.

I did a lot of things.

have/has -- had

do -- did


He was interested in doing.

He had a dream of doing.

He was interested in flying.

He had a dream of flying.

I’m Wilbur Wright.

I was interested in flying.

I had a dream of flying.

I did a lot of things.

I was interested in ...