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师梦圆小学英语教材同步湘少版三年级起点六年级上册Unit 7 What can I do?下载详情
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Teaching emphases and difficulties:

Express fluently to offer helps to others.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warm up

Step2 Lead-in

1>. 导入课题

Ss watch a video about Nick vujicic then answer

T: There is a man. He has no arms and no legs. But he can do many

things. Do you want to know him? Let’s look then answer “What can he do?”

S1/S2:He can…….

T: This is Nick vujicic. He is a disabled people. He can do many things as our normal people. So children, please ask ourselves “What can I do? ”

T:So what can you do?

S1/S2: I can…….

【设计意图】:通过观看尼克的视频,复习can的用法,感悟内心强大的尼克是个残疾人都可以做这么多,引导孩子们反问自己What can I do? 导入课题。

2>. 导入文本

T: You can do so many things. Our friends Mingming /Peter/ Jane/ Lingling/Anne can also do these things as you can. Today they want to help the old people. Can you guess “What can they do?”

S1/S2;Mingming can……/ Anne can……

T: Are you right? Let’s listen and check. <放视频揭示答案并解析文本>

1.Learn the phrases “make tea or coffee, make cakes, make them happy, help them on the road, clean their houses”

2. Read the phrases after teacher and then follow the tape.

3. Ss follow the tape and do the actions together.

4. Ss communicate with T then lead out the sentences < What can I do? I can ……. >

5. Ss read the sentences in roles.


3>. 改编文本

T:Maybe, you feel tired now. Lets have a relax. Sing a song like this…


T:Who can be a little teacher to sing this song with classmates like me?

T: I love your beautiful voice! Do you want to do these things? Please stand up! Let’s follow the tape and do the actions together.

