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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版七年级上册Lesson 26 Li ming’s Family下载详情

冀教2011课标版(衔接三年级起点)《Lesson 26 Li ming’s Family》优质课教案下载-攀枝花市优课

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Teaching Objectives:

At the end of class, 90% of the students would:

1. Instructional objectives: (教学目的)

Be able to listen, understand the new words and phrases in the text;

Be able to understand the new structures and use them in an appropriate situation. For example, use ‘This is my mother and father’

Be able to take notes of key knowledge during class;

Be able to get the specific information of the text

Be able to write a passage about the family

2. Educational objectives:(教育目的)

1) Be able to express their own opinions or idea ,

2) Be able to cooperate with other students while doing the activities.

3. Personal objectives: (个人目标)

1) For the teacher,I need to get all the students involved into the class and give proper assignments to help students understand the difficult points. ;

2) Improve the ability of writing;

Focal points:

1. Memorize and use the new words, phrases correctly;

2. Catch the main idea of the context;

3. Understand and use the basic sentence in the conversation.

Difficult points:

1. write a passage about family in correctly ;

Procedures and time allotment:

Stage 1: Get students ready for reading and Review (2mins)

Step 1: Greeting (10 s)

Step 2: Review (2mins)

Stage 2 Pre-reading (5mins)

Step 1 Showing new words to students (3mins)

Step 2 Prediction (20s)

Stage 3 While-reading (9mins)

Step 1 read the text and fill in the blanks (2minutes)

Step 2 Read loudly and freely (3mins)


