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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版八年级上册Unit 3 Language in use下载详情
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* Ask questions about the statements in the box.

(e.g. What's Alice doing one day?)

* Tell the students to answer the questions with the information in the box and then use their imaginations to give different answers.

* Put the students in pairs to ask and answer questions in the same way.

1. Underline the correct words.

* Tell the students to read through the sentences and think about whether the action was finished or not in each sentence.

* Ask the students to decide which choice expresses the right time and underline it.

* Put them in pairs to discuss and check.

* Elicit answers from the whole class.


* Write these expressions on one side of the board: last night, before dinner yesterday, etc.

* Elicit what the students do every school night and write it on the other side of the board (e.g. study, do homework, watch TV, play computer games, wash face and brush teeth, etc).

* Point to a time on the board and ask what the students did then. For example:

Teacher: What did you do last night?

Student: I watched TV.

* Have them ask each other in open pairs.

* Write times such as 5:30 am, 6:00 pm, 7:15 am, 8:00 am and 9:30 pm on the board. Elicit questions to ask with these times. For example:

Teacher: What were you doing at 5:30 am yesterday?

Student: I was sleeping.

* Mix up the questions to make the students think about the time and tenses.

* Put them in pairs to model and ask and answer questions to test each other.

* Nominate some pairs to ask and answer in two tenses.

2. Write sentences about what you were doing.

* Read through the first parts of the sentences with the class and elicit the possible endings in the correct tense.

* Tell the students to complete the sentences on their own.

* Ask them to check their answers hi pairs and then think of questions for each sentence.

* Elicit answers in the correct tense by nominating some pairs to ask and answer.

3. Work in groups of four. Play a chain game.

* Read the conversation with the whole class.

* Repeat with three students to demonstrate how the chain game works.
