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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版九年级下册Revision module B下载详情
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I know that he has no arms.

I know that he is a speaker.

So I will guide students to sum the rule and fill in the blanks.

Read the sentences, then find the rule, and last fill in the blanks.To review the conjunctive word- that2.To guide students to do a memory challenges. If they know, put up hands and say loudly. Ask students to do a memory challenges.To help students to consolidate that clause.

To review the conjunctive words- wh-/h-, if Although Nick has no arms and legs, I have some questions:

Do you know whether he is afraid of failing or not?

Do you know if he wants to give up?

I will guide students to read the sentences and sum the rule.

Then watch the video and answer this two questions.Observe the sentences, sum the rule and fill in the blanks.To review the conjunctive word- if/whether.To guide students to do pair works.Discuss in pair then put up hands and show.To consolidate if/whether clause.Nick is a great person.

Do you know how he encourages people?

I will guide students to watch the video and fill in the blanks.

Then I will guide students to sum the rule and fill in the blanks.Watch the video and fill in the blanks.

1.I don’t care ____you look.

2. I don’t care _____ you can do or can not do.

3. I don’t care _____ friends you have.

Then Sum the rule and fill in the blanks.

To review the wh-/h-clause.Part two: about word orderI will guide students to read the sentences and pay attention to the word order.Read the sentences , sum the rule and fill in the blanks.To review the word order: 陈述语序,先主后谓Part three: about tensesI will guide students to make sentences according to the tip.

Then guide students to practise this sentence pattern

T: What does Nick say

S1: Nick says that …

Last, guide students to sum the rule Make sentences according to the tip.

Then practise sentences.

Last, make a conclusion about rule.To review the tense, and get a rule: 主现从任意I will guide students to make sentences according to the tip.

Then, guide students to practise this sentence pattern

T: What did Nick say

S1: Nick said that …

Last, guide students to sum the ruleMake sentences according to the tip.

Then practise sentences.

Last, make a conclusion about rule.To review the tense, and get a rule: 主过从必过According to the video, Nick said that attitude is altitude.

Nick said that life is life.