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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版九年级下册Revision module B下载详情
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3. Be able to write a composition completely with the help of the teacher and the information.


1. Pay attention to the campus safety and know how to do to make ourselves safe.

2. Learn to cooperate with classmates or in groups to summarize and conclude the language in training.

3. Believe yourselves that you can write well by training.


重点:Summarize and conclude the target language.

难点:Use the information to complete a composition.


Multimedia, a letter, writing paper, vocabulary


Step 1: Warm-up and lead-in:

1. The teacher shows an English composition of full marks in 2010 and asks the students to read it together.

The students read a composition together to know what it talks about and tell the class how you feel about the composition.

2. Lead in the title of this lesson.

Step 2: Explanation of strategies, skills:

The teacher shows three compositions from 2009 to 2011, introduce the type of the compositions. Then explain the writing strategies and the methods of exposition.

The students listen and look carefully and remember the skills.

Step 3: Summary of the writing steps

The teacher summarizes five steps of writing—four “K” and one “B” and explain them.

The students tell the five steps: Look, Think, Rank, Link and Beautify each and know the meaning.

Step 4: Writing:

1. The teacher shows several pictures.

The students look at the pictures carefully to know what the pictures tell.

2. The teacher asks two questions to guide the students to know the topic.

The students think about the pictures, answer the questions, know the topic and summarize the aspects on the topic.

Q: What is the topic?

Which aspects are about the topic?

3. The teacher asks what they should do and can’t do on the four aspects about campus safety, gives the students the writing paper, divide the class into four parts and let them write down the phrases.

The students discuss in groups and write down the phrases on one aspect.