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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版九年级下册Revision module B下载详情
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B. I want to tell the world I’m so happy now.

I started to learn skating at the age of four. At first, I feel difficult. I often fell down. I wanted to give up. But you said , “Come on, Jenny.” Your words were good. Finally, I became the winner. With your love, I could be successful.

C.Thanksgiving Day is coming soon. Thank you.

A.Thanks again. I love you. I wish you all the best.


Dear Mom,



My Opinion on Doing Housework

In my opinion, doing some housework such as taking out the trash and doing the dishes is very easy and within our power. As we all know, we can’t depend on others all our life. Doing housework can help us to develop a sense of responsibility and independence. Besides, sharing the housework is helpful for us to set up good relationship with our parents. Furthermore, trying to do some housework can keep us healthy and strong, because some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise.

A .In a word, we are supposed to do some housework by ourselves. So why not start to learn to do it now?

B.Doing housework can contribute to understanding our parents and make our life more colorful.

C.Different students hold different opinions on doing housework. Some students think it very meaningful for them to do housework while others believe that it is only a waste of time doing so.



The story happened last Saturday. I hardly forgot that day was my fourteenth birthday because I was busy with my lessons all day. I came home form school as usual. While I was opening my door, Ben and other friends said”Happy birthday”together. To my surprise, they had a special birthday party for me. My friends gave me many presents. I had a surprise and fun birthday party on that day.

A. In my opinion, friendship is definitely important in my life. When I feel upset, it is my friends who help to cheer me up. When I’m happy, I always share with them together.

B. In short, friends are one of the most important people in our world. We can’t live without friends. They are valuable for everyone.

C. Friendship give me hope, energy and care. It’s very important for me to do something for my friends.


B. I want to tell the world I’m so happy now.

I started to learn skating at the age of four. At first, I feel difficult. I often fell down. I wanted to give up. But you said , “Come on, Jenny.” Your words were good. Finally, I became the winner. With your love, I could be successful.

C.Thanksgiving Day is coming soon. Thank you.

A.Thanks again. I love you. I wish you all the best.


Dear Mom,




I want to thank you because of the love you have given me these years.