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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点六年级上册Lesson 13 Seasons下载详情
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教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up

T: Hello, class! How’s the weather today? How do you feel today?

Ss: ……


Step 2: Introduce:

Winter, spring, summer, autumn are seasons. There are four seasons in a year.

There are twelve months in a year. Now look carefully,I devide them into four groups. Here are four seasons in a year. Do you know what are they? Look at my picture.

(出示冬天的图片)This is winter. Winter, follow me, please. Who can read it? Who can spell it? Can you say a sentence with winter?

How’s the weather in winter?There are ice and snow. How do you feel?

After winter ,the weather get warm. Look! The flowers bloom.(出示春天的图片)How do you feel? How’s the weather? This is spring .Follow me ,please. Pay attention to the letter“p”,it pronounced “b”.(渗透语音知识)Who can make a sentence with spring?

After spring, summer is coming. (出示夏天的图片)Summer, follow me ,please. Look! What is this?(指着图片sun ) How do you feel? Can you say a sentence with summer?

(出示秋天的图片)Autumn comes after summer. Follow me, please. Can you say something about?

Questions: 1.How many seasons are there in a year?

There are four seasons in a year.

They are winter, spring, summer and autumn.

2.What's your favourite season? Why?

My favourite season is ______ .

Because I like _____________ .


Step 3:Have a chant.

Sping,sping,sping,it’s warm and rainy.

Summer,summer,summer,it’s hot and sunny.

Autumn,autumn,autumn,it’s cool and cloudy.

Winter,winter,winter,it’s cold and windy.


Step 4:Different clothes for different seasons.

1、出示实物(一副手套),教师实际操作演示put on与 take off;

出示实物(一条围巾),教师实际操作演示put on与 take off。

【设计意图】通过直观形象的实物演示,学生能够更好的理解、掌握 put on(穿上;戴上;围上)与 take off(脱下;摘下)。

出示Part 2文本,学习Different clothes for different seasons.(通过操练,理解、掌握put on与 take off,以及不同的季节穿不同的衣服。)
