师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
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重点:关于bag, pen, pencil box ,book 几个单词的听、说、认读。 2、难点:pencil box 一词的学习。

课前准备 相关单词的教学卡片、实物教具、录音磁带等。


Step 1 Warming up and revision

Greeting : T: Hello ,I’m Miss Dong. What’s your name ? Ss: My name’s …

Revise the words in Part A. Show the word cards , Ss read the words and show the things.

Let’s chant . T: I have a ruler . Ss:Me,too…. (设计意图:通过复习加深学生对学过知识的掌握,歌谣的吟唱能够很好的调动学生的情绪,让学生在轻松的氛围中进入最佳的学习状态,同时为新课导入做铺垫。)

Step 2 Presentation

1.Teach bag by going on the chant .

Teacher shows the bag and say : I have a bag .

Ss: Me ,too.

T: Show me your bag .

Ss take out the bag and say :I have a bag .

Teacher carries the bag and say : I carry the bag .Please carry your bag . Ss look ,listen and do .

T:My bag is heavy .What’s in it ? Ss take out the things: book and pencil box . Teach book and pencil box . T: Show me your book ﹨ pencil box . Open ﹨ close your book .

3.T:Open your pencil box .What do you have in your pencil box ? Ss say the school things they have learnt :I have a ﹨an …. T: I have an eraser, a ruler, a pencil and a pen in my pencil box .Teach pen . Show the word cards, Ss compare the three words pen ,pencil and pencil box .(设计意图:通过歌谣的继续吟唱自然呈现本课新知bag,过渡巧妙,易于学生掌握。同时以书包为线索让学生拿出书包里的book 和pencil box ,又通过打开pencil box 介绍里边的文具引出pen 。同时在教学完每个单词后教师演示发出指令并让学生作出相应动作,把Let’s do 的内容融入到学习当中。)

Step 3 Consolidation

Play the tape . Ss listen to the tape and repeat the new words . 2.Let’s do First listen to the teacher then listen to the tape and do the actions .

3.Guessing game . Ss guess the things in the teacher’s hand . 4.Hide and seek . Put a book or a pen in a student’s desk . One student close the eyes then look for it .Then other Ss say louder when he walks near ,when he walks far from it , Ss say lower and lower .

Read and touch. Show the word cards .Ss read the words and touch the things on the desk .

6.Explain :Zoom! Your bag ! Oh no ! Let Ss try to say :Your book!Your pencil box !-Oh,no! (设计意图:一系列活动、游戏的设置能够使孩子们更好地听、说、认读本堂课所学单词。听录音可以帮助孩子正音,通过模仿录音,使说出来的单词更准确;听音做动作,锻炼孩子的听力和协调能力;猜词游戏和找找藏藏游戏让孩子们在轻松的氛围中学会运用单词,使其大声说出单词,能够更加牢固地掌握单词;读一读摸一摸活动的设计,是在前边听说的基础之上让学生认读单词,做到眼、口、手的协调统一,从而达到教学目标的要求。)

Step 4 Homework

1. Read the words after class .

2. Try to make a chant:I have a ….Or show me your …