师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
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A. Knowledge aims: Recall previously target words and sentences such as: numbers, beautiful, Students understand and say dialogs to talk about how many

B. Ability aims:

Students can use English to communicate with each other on the basis of target language.

C. Affection aim:

①To stimulate Ss’ learning interest and enthusiasm in English. They are always confident , willing, and active to listen, speak, act and take part in the class activities.

Teaching Important Points:

Understand, say and respond to the new dialogs.

Teaching Difficult Point:

Howe many +plural form of the words.

Teaching Aids: PPT,

Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Warm-up/Revision.

⒈Greetings: Are you ready for my class?

How many girls in the class? How many boys in the class?

1.Lead in

Teacher asks students: I know about you. Would you like to know more about me?

Teacher shows some silhouette, have students guess what these are.

2. Presentation

1) Use the dies game to review the numbers. Have student come to the front touch and say.

2)Use teacher’s daughter’s photo to introduce the word beautiful.

3)Use a kite to introduce the new sentence: How many kites do you see? Then watch a video, have students watch a video and answer the questions: What can you see in the video? (Dogs and birds).How many dogs do you see?(I see one),How many birds do you see? (I see twelve) .Read in a group and read by individual students.

3.Present the sentence: A: How many kites do you see?

B: I see twelve.

1)Have students read the dialogs(Boys act A, girls act B, then change the roles)

2) Activity: Find the difference

Have students find the difference between the two pictures. Have students circle the difference and say it out.

3) Practice the sentence: pair work.

4.Present the dialog: Tell students Our friend Zhang Peng and Amy are at the park, watch the video and answer some questions: What do they see? (Kites),What is the black one?(The black one is a bird).

1)Practice: read after the tape.

2) Pair-work: have students dubbing.