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2.体会语言丰富的内涵,提高学生综合人文素养。教学重点通过阅读、理解、讨论故事,巩固核心语言,发展阅读能力。教学难点通过复述、表演故事、续写故事,发展综合运用所学语言进行表达与交流的能力。教学方法情境教学法,合作学习法、任务型教学法教学用具PPT课件 、动物头饰、图片、词卡教学过程Step1Warming upTime2minutes核心素养培养学生理解与表达的能力Free talk: What can you do?

T:Act like a dinosaur and show the pictures

Ss: Watch and think.

T: Look,I can do many things, What can you do? (教师出示思维导图,引导学生自由表达)

S1: I can sing and dance.

T: Great. You’re wonderful!

S2: I can play basketball.

T: Cool!I can swim too.

…设计意图通过自由讨论,培养学生的语言表达能力,教师了解学生对于句型地掌握情况,有意识强化句型练习,并且激活学生已有的知识储备和相关经验,让学生运用已有语言能力恰当描述他们的各种能力。教师及时对学生的表述进行口头评价,在个别同学现场表演才艺时也可生生互评,激励学生多用英语交流,树立学习英语的自信心。Step2Pre-readingTime2minutes核心素养培养学生的创新思维和想象能力1. Show the main characters in the story and lead in the story

T:You can do so many things. What can they do?

T:Show the pictures of a snake and a rat.

Ss: Look, think and say.

T: Help students review the key words and phrases.

2. Set up the situation and let students predict what will happen.

T: If a snake meets a rat one day, what will happen?

Ss: Think and say.

T: Listen, help and enjoy.设计

意图新课标要求学生达到有关“读”的二级要求是:能借助图片读懂简单的故事或短文。我充分借助背景图让学生发挥想象猜测,激活语言储备,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,为While-reading 作好铺垫。Step3While-readingTime5minutes核心素养培养学生理解能力和良好思维品质Task 1T: What happened in the story? Let’s watch.(no English subtitles)

Ss: Watch , think and answer.设计

意图让学生带着问题观看课文动画,无文本,锻炼学生听力,感知,理解整篇故事,猜测生词含义。Task 2Can the snake eat the rat at last? Let’s watch with English subtitles again.

T: The snake can’t eat the rat at last. How do you know?

Ss: Find out the answers and read like a rat.设计

意图再带着问题看动画,再次理解,感知故事语言,并找到故事发展结果。Task 3Let’s read.( Read the first pictures by yourself and find out the answers)(自读图1)

T: Why does the snake want to eat the rat?

Ss: The snake is hungry.

T: How do you know? Can you read the sentences like the snake?

Ss: Find out them and read like the snake.(模仿蛇读)设计

意图 从整体到细节,通过阅读上下文,培养学生独立思考,自主阅读,提取关键信息的能力和结合情境及图片阅读理解故事的能力。体会故事人物心理,促成学生深度学习。Task 4Let’s read.( Read the second pictures by yourself and find out the answers)(自读图2)

T: The snake is hungry. It wants to eat the rat. But the snake can not eat the rat at last. Why ? What does the rat say to the snake?