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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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Step 1Check the preview homeworkAsk the group leaders to check the preview homeworkShow the preview homework通过检查预习案,才能让学生们为上课做好充分的准备

Step 2Watch a videoEncourage the students to say more outdoor activitiesAnswer the questions通过观看视频让学生得到视觉上的冲击,引起学生对户外运动的兴趣,从而导入新课。

Step 3Learn new wordsShow some pictures to learn more words about outdoor activities and check the new words. Learn the new words follow the teacher 通过借助图片把生词融入到句型当中,学生会更加感兴趣,且通过快闪图等各种有趣的活动检测新单词的掌握。

Step 4Listen and answer in Part B.

Show the questions on the PPT Listen to the tape then answer the questions.通过设计一系列的问题,训练学生的听力技巧,熟读之后为后面编对话做铺垫。

Step 5

Pair workUse the sentences to talk about favourite outdoor activities in pairs.Use the dialogue to talk about the favourite outdoor activity 通过前面大量的语言输入,训练学生运用英语进行英语口语的表达能力。

Step 6Group work (Do a survey)Ask the student to make a

Survey in group.Talk about the activities your groupmates like to try.Then finish the form通过调查组员喜爱的户外运动,巩固了所学习的语言点和重点句型,尤其是做汇报部分,更能检测出孩子们掌握语言的情况。Step 7Comic stripShow the questions on screenListen to the conversation and answer the questions.通过听有趣的对话,帮助学生大概理解本对话的内容,引导学生积极参与教学活动。

Step 8

Read in pairs and Act it outAsk the students to read the dialogue and act it out.Read the dialogue in group and act it out.操练所学内容,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习运用英语表达的欲望。Step 9情感教育和学生进行情感教育

The life lies in the movement!通过情感教育,让学生更加热爱户外运动。

Step 10Summary Ask the students to summary the in group.

1.Outdoor activities :

2.Talk something about the outdoor activities解释相应的语言点,能够很好的帮助学生理解并掌握本节课的重难点。

Step 11ExercisesAsk the students to do the exerciseDo exercises学以致用,巩固语言目标Step 12Homework:

Ask the students to do the homework after school.1. Remember the new words.

2. Try to talk about some outdoor activities with your friends.


计Unit 1 Know yourself

Welcome to the unit & Comic strip

New words:camping, cycling, jogging, riding,skating,swimming, hurry, ride, that

New phrases:hurry up, too much, that heavy, too heavy,go riding/camping/jogging...

New patterns: 1. What outdoor activity would you like to try

