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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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(1) To make students have desire to study and enjoy English lesson.

(2) To train the students to love themselves, and develop their good character.

二. Difficult and important points:

1. To help the students learn words and phrases of outdoor activities

2. To talk about outdoor activities by using the knowledge which they have learnt.

三.Teaching aids

blackboard , pictures , tape recorder , videos, PPT, computer

四.Teaching procedures

Step 1: learn part A:

1. Warming-up:

(1). Share the song “ If you are happy ” together.

(2).Show some pictures of outdoor activities to students.

2. Free talk:

(1).What kind of outdoor activities do you know?

(2). Do you usually have outdoor activities?

(3). What is your favourite outdoor activity?

Gets students to answer the questions to present the new lesson.

3. Presentation:

present some new outdoor activities by showing the pictures: camping cycling, jogging, riding, skating and swimming (presents new words: camping, cycling, riding, skating on the blackboard and gets students to read them.)

4. Practice: individual work

Asks students to finish the exercises: match the words with the pictures.

5. Consolidation:

Teacher presents some explanations about outdoor activities, ask students to say out what outdoor activities they are to consolidate the new words.

6. Listening practice:

Asks students to listen to the students’ reports, and then finish the blanks.

Step 2: learn part B:

1. Asks students to talk What outdoor activity they would like to try. And then presents the dialogue between Daniel and Amy.

2. Plays the tape and answer the questions:

(1). What is Amy’s favourite outdoor activity?

(2). What is Daniel’s favourite outdoor activity?

