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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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2. To talk about the plan for a day out.


故宫博物院the Palace Museum很多值得看的东西many things to see艺术品Works of art 国画Chinese paintings了解所有有关中国的历史learn all about China’ s history在湖上划船row a boat on the lake在你宾馆前面见面meet in front of your hotel三、句型(语法)

1.Don’t miss them.

Would you like to go to Beihai Park tomorrow?

3.How far is it from the hotel?—It’s about 40 minutes by bus.


Think about the following questions:

What famous places in Jurong do you know? And what can we do there?

Places in JurongWhat can we do there?If someone invites (邀请) you to have a trip, what do you want to know about the trip?


Task1. Discuss in groups and talk about the places in Jurong and the things we can do there.

Places in JurongWhat can we do there?Task2. Listen and complete the table.

Time Place Things to see Taihe PalaceZhonghe PalaceBaohe PalaceHuangji PalaceFengxian PalaceTask3. Listen and choose the correct answer.

a trip to Beihai ParkPeople Simon and NeilWhen At ___1___tomorrow morningWhere Meet ___2___ Neil’s hotelHow farIt’s about ___3___ minutes by bus.What to do___4___ on the lake( ) 1. A. 8:00 B. 8:30 C. 8:45

( ) 2. A. behind B. near C. in front of

( ) 3. A. 14 B. 15 C. 40

( ) 4. A. fly kites B. row a boat C. see works of art

Task4. Extra listening: Listen and choose the correct answer.

( ) 1. Where are they going?

A. The old country B. The new country C. The old city

( ) 2. How far is it?

A. It’s over four hours by underground.

B. It’s over four hours by bus.

C. It’s over three hours by bus.

( ) 3. When will they start tomorrow morning?

A. At 7:00 B. At 8:00 C. At 9:00

( ) 4. Where will they meet?

A. At the school gate. B. At the station. C. Near the park.

( ) 5. What should they take?
