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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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To learn to make plans to go out.情感目标Cultivate the students to get information with a careful watch.重点

难点To understand the listening passage.

To use the integrated skills.

To know the notes about making arrangement.教学方法情景教学教学用具 多媒体、PPT

板 书

设 计Unit3 Integrated skills

works of art

the Palace Museum

golden throne

Chinese painting

row a boat


教学过程设计个性化补充Step 1. Lead in

T: What do you do when you are free ? Ask students to answer it according to the facts .

T: When I have enough time , I would like to go to the museum .In the museum , I can see many works of art . Do you know which is the biggest museum in China ? It’s the Palace Museum . Where is the Palace Museum ? 板书 the Palace Museum

Step 2. Presentation

Show some pictures on the screen to learn something about the Palace Museum

Step 3. Integrated skills

Show the poster, read and explain it, then complete Part A2 with as much information as possible.

Scan Part A2 and listen to the tape, complete the missing information in Part A2.

Listen to the tape and complete Part A4.

Step 4. Speak up

Listen and answer:

1. Where are they going to visit?

2. When and where will they meet?

Read it together and then act out the conversation .

Work in pairs and use Simon and Neil’s conversation as a model.

Ask some groups to come to the front to act out their conversations .

Step 5 Do exercises.

Step 6 Homework 作业
