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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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1. To talk about different palaces in the Palace Museum.

2. To talk about the plan for a day out.


时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的?Task 1: Pre-listening

?Have a free talk in pairs

A: What’s the capital of China?

B: It’s…

A: What places of interest do you know there ?

B: …

The exchange students have visited some places. But they are still thinking, “What place in Beijing can’t we miss?”

S: The Palace Museum.

?通过自由对话,让学生迅速进入话题,并引出故宫,为下节了解故宫做好铺垫。?Task 2 While-listening

?1. Read the poster on page 37

The shows at the Palace Museum Come to the Palace Museum! There are many things to see here. Don’t miss them.

2. Choose the correct answer

Fill in the banks

3. Fast reading.

Find out the mistakes and correct them on page 38

Listen read and write通过抢答游戏,活跃课堂气氛,让学生对故宫有初步了解。在抢答环节中,可让学生不必举手,直接

通过阅读和听力理解,进一步了解有关故宫的知识。?Task3 Post-listening

?1.Listen and complete.

T: Listen to the guide’s introduction and find out the things to see at the show.Tips: (1) Get different information each time. For example, find out the things to see first and the time second. (2) Pay attention tokeywords.?(3) Write the first letter of the word if time is limited.

T: Listen to the introduction again and find out the time to complete the rest of the table.

3. Correct the mistakes in Part A4.?Listen read and write通过阅读海报,让学生完成部分表格。听录音材料时,让学生听两遍,分别填写事情和时间,引导学生有针对性的听录音并获取信息。?Task 4 Speak up

?1. Read and answer:

When and where will they meet?

2. Listen again and answer:

What can they do in the park?

How far is the park from Neil’s hotel?
