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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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2. New structures: Can I have something to drink?

Can I have some more food?

What makes good friends?

You can trust them because they never tell lies.

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

Describe people’s qualities with simple and proper words.

IV. Teaching procedures

Comic strip

Step 1 Lead-in

1. The topic of the unit―friends

T: Hello, boys and girls,today we’ll learn comic stip and welcome to the unit of unit1 Friends in 8A.yeah. I am your teacher and your good friend,right? Yes,of course, shall we listen to an English song together?.

Listen to an English song and watch a short video to know some about what friends are and what friends mean.

T:As we know, every one of us should have at least one or two friends. Time seems to go faster when good friends are together. But remember a friend in need is a friend indeed.

2. Free talk

Encourage a student to answer some open questions:

e.g. Who is your good friend?

Could tell us something about your good friend?

Why do you choose him/her as your good friend?

【设计意图:从听Auld Lang Syne 英文歌,看视频, 谈论身边的朋友引入课题,拉近与学生的心理距离,学生有了表达的欲望,也能用自己的语言初步描述朋友的性格。】

Step 2 Presentation

1. Show pictures of Hobo and Eddie

T: It’s nice to see Hobo and Eddie again. Do you like them? Yes, they are funny and they can always make us happy. Do you think they are good friends? Let’s watch a short video and answer the questions:

(1) Do you think Hobo and Eddie are good friends?Why?

(2)If you are Eddie ,will you share the pizza with Hobo? Why?

2. Have a discussion

Will they share the pizza? Why or why not?

Two possible answers: Yes, they will share. Because good friends always share.

No, they won’t. Because Hobo already has a big cake.


Step 3 Practice
