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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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1. Do you have a good friend?

2. How old is your friend?

3. What does your friend look like?

4. What is your friend good at?

5. Why do you choose him/her as your good friend?

Step 2 Practice

Finish Part A on Page 7

Use sentences to answer the questions as possible.

Step 3 Presentation

What is a friend?

--- What do you want your good friend to do for you?

--- I want him / her to make me happy when I am sad.

keep a secret I have a secret

share my joy I am happy

help me I have problems

tell me funny jokes I feel bored

listen to me carefully I need somebody to talk to

Step 4 Presentation

What are the important qualities of a good friend?

honest clever kind friendly good-looking rich helpful polite

T: I think it's important for my friends to be .... .

What do you think,...?

Step 5 Practice

Making a dialogue:

A: What makes good friends, ... ?

B: Well, good friends should be ... . You can... because ... .

A: Yes, that's very important. I think good friends should be ... too.

They can ... .

B: Yes, that's true. I also think good friends should be ... .

A: I agree.
