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《Unit 5 Living in harmony》新课标教案优质课下载



1. 通过提问,简要复习课文内容,得到写作线索,引出记叙文概要写作六要素;

2. 复习已有写作技巧,给出一个“写作自查表”供参考,进一步夯实写作技巧和策略;

3. 分析“写作自查表”与文本的关系,学生练习如何把原文转换为自己的语言;

4. 指导学生练习、完善记叙文概要写作,修改、呈现,教师点评。


Teaching objectives:

By the end of the period, students are expected to

a. have a general knowledge of writing a narrative summary

b. use the two given principles in their narrative summary writing;

c. practice their ability to paraphrase the original and use their own words;

Teaching aids:

Ss’ worksheet A / B

Teaching difficulties:

Students learn some techniques to paraphrase the original which can help them to use their own words.

Teaching procedures:

StagesTeaching activitiesLearning activitiesTeaching purposeLead-inAsk Ss about the general writing elements for a narrative article Ss answer the QTo arouse Ss’ interest in this topicPre-writing1. Ask Ss to give the Qs given by the T about the 6-W elements in the Green orchidsSs answer the QsTo remind Ss of the plots for later use2. Ask Ss for help to improve the given summarySs recall their techniques about writing a summaryTo refresh Ss’ techniques for later use3. Introduce the checklist 4. Focus on Item 4 and 5 and analyze them

(Refer to Ss’ worksheet)Ss do the exercise related to the checklistTo enable Ss to use the relevant transitional words and practice paraphrasingWhile-writing1. Ask Ss to polish their own summarySs polish the summaryTo help Ss practice the techniques related to writing a narrative summary2. Ask Ss to do peer assessmentSs assess their summaries in the groups according to the checklistTo reinforce the use of the checklistPost-writingAsk Ss to share their summary sample and commentSs share and make comments To encourage Ss to express their opinionsAssignmentsAsk Ss to polish at least other 3 summaries

A version for reference

When Harry Saleem, a seriously ill billionaire, faced two choices, profit-driven, he spoke to his engineer first to deal with his business rather than see the doctor bringing him the important news about the life-saving medicine. Unfortunately, he made a bad decision to flood the Valley to build factories. Hence, his new medicine made from green orchids growing in the exploded valley could never be made again. The writer tells us that consequence must be taken, once choices are made.