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《Unit 5 Living in harmony》公开课PPT课件优质课下载

Our choice leads to our destiny

Consequences = results / impacts, usually in pl form

Ask students to paraphrase foresee the conequences = predict the result

Now let us begin our today’s story.

Ask students to explain vital: essential to life, extremely important. Eg: the heart performs a vital function to our body.

Is his/her prediction correct? Let’s wait and see.

Business come first / he is obsessed with making money / money obsess his mind

By satellite ? to show how wealthy Saleem is, his mind is filled with making money.

Ask students to paraphrase “be obsessed with” = one’s mind is completely filled with sth. 上官

The engineer said: ‘Just say the word.’ Can you guess what is the word? And what is going to happen next? Now let’s focus our attention on Line 18-27 to see what will happen next.

Environmental-friendly: be friendly to the environment

What kind of action can be called environmental-friendly? Taking your own bags with you instead of using plastic bags.

Course: the direction the river moves in 拓展一下: flight course 航线 route

Mighty: large/vast/huge/enormous/giant A WORD IN LINE 23: VAST

Doomed: sth that I certain to fail, suffer, die

Be doomed to do = be bound to do

Pakan Valley is destroyed, and Mr Saleem’s business has been finished. What might be his next movement?

Why it is a doomed death? From where can you foresee this?

Are you surprised at the consequence? Why?


The attitude towards the doctor: let the fool wait / impatiently

The attitude towards his employees: bossy, commanding, showing no respect to others, selfish

How did he give his requirement to his employees?

Hurried to switch on a large television.

Turn it off. Get that doctor in here. He commanded.