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《Unit 5 Living in harmony》集体备课PPT课件优质课下载

Does he know what will happen if he takes either of the roads?

Like him, we can not foresee the consequences.

2 mins(集体)

In the story of Green Orchids, who is the main character?

How many choices did he face?


What choice did he face first? ( Any evidence about his choice between money and health? )

What decision did he make? Why ?


When he met the engineer, what choice did he face?

He ordered his engineer to press the button to explode Pankan Valley.

3-4 mins

What happened when the engineer pressed the button?(What were the series of changes?)

What had the Pakan Valley been a few months before?

What did Saleem’s men do there?


Then Mr. Saleem met his doctor.

What two pieces of good news did the doctor bring to Saleem?

Was it possible to make any more medicine for Saleem? Why?

Consequently, what will happen to Saleem? Why

(Discuss with your neighbor and then tell your answer and reason)(1-2 minutes)

5 mins

You have a clear picture of Saleem, because there are a lot of words and sentences that describe his physical appearance, background(like his job,interest),

Take out Task sheet 2, and find out the description in different aspects.

You may underline the words or sentences , number them and fill in the form with the number.( 3 minutes)