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外研2003课标版《Reading and speaking》教案优质课下载

Teaching Importance: Training students’ reading and speaking abilities as much as possible; Making them be able to express their ideas about gap year freely.

Teaching methods: asking and answering questions, reading, discussion (pair work, group work), quiz and ideas-sharing.

Teaching Design:

Step I. Greetings as usual

Step II. Lead-in

a. Ask students to guess the meaning of Gap Year.

b. Share some information about Gap Year, its activities and age group.

c. To sum up.

Step III. Analyze the passage and equip students with relevant abilities(reading、predicting、searching for information、cooperating with others、solving problems、self-expression、summing-up)

a. Pre-reading: Make a prediction

b. While-reading: Number the countries Mark visited, which is matched with a map.

Use adj to describe the writer’s impression about each country he visited

Discuss with group members to solve relevant questions

c. Activity (Quiz): Pair work to correct the 10 errors of the summary of My Gap Year

d. Post-reading: Speaking Would you like to take a gap year? Why or why not?

(Group Work) Which place would you like to visit? Why?

Step IV. Vote for the best ideas

Contents and Course:

1. Greeting with students as usual

2. Lead-in

First, ask students to guess the meaning of Gap Year, then invite several students to share their opinion;

Next, Present the meaning of Gap Year to students (Here are some pictures to make students understand what is Gap Year better), and give some information about Gap Year, its activities and age group to them;

Last, sum up to make students get a general idea of what is Gap Year, why we choose to take a gap year, who are gap year targeted at.

3. Analyze the passage and equip students with relevant abilities

a. Pre-reading: Make a prediction——In what order may Mark introduce his travel experience? (Before it, students should read some relevant words together to prepare for this passage; then read the whole passage aloud to get the general idea);