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Cultural awareness: the students will know that the passive voice is widely used in English and the difference in voices between Chinese and English.

Ⅱ Teaching important and difficult points: the tenses of the passive voice and how to change an active sentence into a passive sentence.

Ш Teaching methods:task-based teaching method, method lecture, demonstration method.

Ⅳ Teaching aids: the blackboard, the computer, PPT, a time recorder.

Ⅴ Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead - in

Dream It Possible

The song is created by a famous musician, Andy Love, and it is sung by Delacey, an American singer. In 2015, the copyright (版权) on the song was bought by Huawei, a company that was founded by Ren Zhengfei in 1987. Since the song was released(发行), many people have been touched by it, because from the song they know that their dreams will be realized as long as they are not defeated(打败).

Dream It Possible

The song is created by a famous musician, Andy Love, and it is sung by Delacey, an American singer. In 2015, the copyright (版权) on the song was bought by Huawei, a company that was founded by Ren Zhengfei in 1987. Since the song was released(发行), many people have been touched by it, because from the song they know that their dreams will be realized as long as they are not defeated(打败).

Listen to a song called Dream It Possible and briefly introduce it. Then ask the students to observe the red words in the brief introduction of the song and find out what they have in common.

Step 2 Revision of the passive voice.

Part 1 Concept & Structure

There are two voices in English —active voice and passive voice.When the subject of a sentence

is the agent (执行者),we use active voice; when the subject is the recipient (承受者), we use the passive voice.

There are two voices in English —active voice and passive voice.When the subject of a sentence

is the agent (执行者),we use active voice; when the subject is the recipient (承受者), we use the passive voice.





一般现在时 (Simple present tense)

am/ is / are + done

一般过去时 (Simple past tense)

was / were + done