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外研2003课标版《Listening and vocabulary》优质课教案下载

Teaching important points&Teaching difficult points:

a: important words in this passage

b:Do exercises related to what have learnt in the class

Teaching methods:

Elicitation method(导入法)2. Interactive method(互动法)

Inductive method(归纳法) 4. Discussion method(讨论法)

Learning methods:

1. Cooperative learning 2. Analyzing and summarizing

Teaching aids: multimedia, blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

a:Show some pictures about Eating ,buildings ,clothes and transport in the past and in the future ,and then ask the students a question “Do you like to live in the past or in the future?”

b: Deal with Exercise 3 in page 3

Step 2 Fast reading

a:Read the text quickly and decide the statements are true or false

b:Try to find the main idea of part1 and part2

Step 3 Careful reading

Finish the exercises according to the text

Step 4 Discussion

How to deal with reading comprehensions in the CET

Step5 Summary

Sum up types of questions about reading comprehension

and ways to deal with the comprehensions

Step6 Homework

Ask the students to write an article according to the topic what is your future life