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外研2003课标版《Listening and vocabulary》公开课教案优质课下载

To describe the future house


Step 1: Before you listen

1 Lead-in let the students enjoy a picture about the community( full of flowers trees and grass-a nice yard:a lamp : a house: a path). Then give the students the words about the house (eg. bedroom ,living room,kitchen, dinning room,bathroom,and some funiture ,electric appliance and so on.)

2 Speaking give the students enough tips about describing the house. Now it’s time for the students to describe their house with their partner.

3 Words about the listening. Let the students read the words( a little difficult to understand) in the box and try their best to have knowledge of them.( flexible and a voice recognition system(play a video for them to learn)

Step 2: While you listen

1 Choice question: give the students 30 seconds to read the 5 choice questions .While listening, pay attention to them and try their best to get the information and then choose the best answer. Later, check the answer together.

Simon describes houses in ________ years’ time.

A. 20 B. 30 C. 40

.He thinks houses will have ________ which move .

A. floors B. ceilings C. walls

He thinks we will spend more in the .

A. living room B. bathroom C. bedroom

. The technology will be in the future.

A. flexible B. invisible C. smart

5.The architect is very about the effect of the house on the environment.

A. optimistic B. pessimistic C.disappointed

2 Fill in the form. Give the students 1 minute to prepare a form about the listening. While listening, get the key words. Later,discuss the answer in groups.

The house will look _________ as they do today from the outside.The dining and living roomwould ________________ .____________will become the most important room.Bathroomswill be ___________A lot of furniturewill be the same – we’ll still sit in ____________ and use to keep things in.___________will control most functions in the house, and it will have a _______ recognition system. ___________will move higher and lower ,depending on who use it.

Step 3: After you listen

After listening , the students have know what the future house would be like, and learned some words and expressions about how to describe the future house. Therefor, it’s time for them to describe the future house. (Work in groups. Imagine your house of the future. One draws the picture of the future house while others try to describe it.Then present it to all.)

Step 4: Homework