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外研2003课标版《Reading and vocabulary》集体备课教案优质课下载

a. Students can master the usage of the key words and phrases

b. Students can understand the main idea of the article.

Ability objective:

a. Students can use proper reading skills, such as anticipating, skimming, scanning to achieve the reading tasks.

Emotional objective:

a. Guide students to work together actively in order to develop students’ spirits of cooperation through teamwork and pair-discussion.

b. To arouse students’ deep interest in English learning and make them love English.

c. To arouse students’ awareness of protecting the rare animals.

B. key and Difficult Points

Key points:

Enable Ss to master the usage of the key words and phrases and get the main idea of the article.

Difficult points:

To develop students’ reading skills and review attributive clause.

Part Two: The analysis of students

  The Students have been learning English for 2 years in senior. They understand some complex words and sentences. They have got the skills to learn English and they are curious and active about English. They enjoy learning through cooperation in a relaxing atmosphere. However, their English learning levels are different from each other. Some of them are even weak in English because they just do not know the effective ways of learning English. They need the teacher’s help and encouragement in their further study.

Part Three: The Teaching Methods

 In this lesson, I will use audio-visual teaching method, communicative teaching method and task-based teaching method. Besides, multimedia, blackboard are needed as the teaching aids

Part Four: Teaching steps

Step One: Greetings (1 minute)

T: Now, class begins. Good morning, everybody.

S: …

T: OK. Thank you. Please sit down.

Step Two: Warming up (2minutes)

T: Everybody. Yesterday, we learned some useful words and phrases. Now let’s do some reviewing work. Ready?

S: …