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外研2003课标版《Reading and vocabulary》优质课教案下载

Critical quality: to think about why the ethnic culture is endangered.

Creative quality: to think about what should be done with our ethnic culture in modern time.

Cultural sense:

To understand the Naxi culture.

To understand the meaning of travelling.

Learning ability:

To learn and develop vocabulary learning strategies through vocabulary learning.Key and Difficult pointsKey vocabulary:

maze, cobbled, run, inherit, put a spell on

Difficult points:

To enable the students to write a summary of Simon’s trip to the old town.

To arouse their awareness of respecting, protecting and promoting our ethnic culture.Teaching MethodsCommunicative/ situational/ PWP (pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading) approachTeaching AidsMulti-media facilitiesTeaching ProceduresProceduresTeacher’s activityStudents’ activityPurposeStep 1

Pre-reading1. Invite a student to give a presentation introducing Yunnan.

2. Give a brief introduction of Simon Wakefield who kept his diaries in Yunnan.1. Enjoy the presentation about Yunnan.

2. Get to know the writer of the passage.To get students to know the topic of the lesson and arouse their interest in the passage.Step 2

While-reading1. Ask students to look through the passage and find how many of Simon’s diaries are chosen.

2. Help students analyse each diary.

(1) Ask students to listen to Diary 1 and put the descriptions in order as mentioned. Then help students to find that “a diary is written in order of space”.

(2) Ask students to answer the questions about the landscape of Yunnan, the location of the old town and the appearance of the old town, during which new words like “varied”, “cobbled” and “maze” are taught by using pictures. Then help students to find out the focus of Diary 1 and how Simon got the first impression of the old town. Then “wander” is summarized. In the following two activities, “observe”, “approach” and “enjoy” will also be summarized, indicating Simon’s process of travelling in the old town.

(3) Ask students to read Diary 2 and fill in the key points about the main idea and the detailed information about the Naxi women and the Naxi music. “run” and “inherit” will be taught by means of using the context.

(4) Ask students to read Diary 3 and complete the table about the Naxi music.

(5) Ask students to read Diary 4 and discuss how they understand the last sentence “However we may appear to be at first, we are all the same, all equal”.Scan the passage, listen to the tape recording and do activities under the guidance of the teacher.1. To develop the micro-reading skills of skimming and scanning.

2. To teach the vocabulary in the passage and develop students’ vocabulary learning strategies of using pictures and using the context.

3. To help students analyse the whole process of Simon’s trip and let them understand his trip is a process of exploring.Step 3

Post-reading1. Ask students to write a short summary about Simon’s trip to the old town.

2. Ask students to think about the question: What should we do with our ethnic culture?Write a short summary and think about the question.To cultivate the students’ attitude to our ethnic culture.Homework