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选修7《Reading and vocabulary》精品教案优质课下载

Students’ Background:

Class 234 is a science class of Senior Two. The basis of the whole class is rather weak, especially in English. Many students have lost interest in English. They have great difficulty in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Design Thought:

According to the things above, when designing the lesson, I combined the language knowledge with students’ interest. We will first enjoy some pictures about Lijiang’s scenery and the peaceful life there, if students want to know more about it, they have to refer to the text. The exercises designed are a bit simple, aiming to strengthen students’ confidence while practicing the target language and reading skills. Meanwhile, their emotion of loving the minority groups and cultural awareness of knowing and appreciating other groups should be aroused.

Type of Lesson:

Task-Based Learning.

Learning Objectives:

Words and Expressions: varied, maze, cobbled street, ethnic, inherit, property, hieroglyphic, hatch, gentleman, unforgettable etc.

Sentences: For example, it is the women who run Naxi society, and its peak covered with snow etc.

Reading skills:

Fast-reading: obtain information and get the main idea of each diary.

Careful-reading: read for the specific information and understand the passage further.

Emotion Value and Culture Awareness:

Through this text, students can understand more about the Naxi ethnic group, e.g., their lifestyle, their society structure, their custom and culture. We should be aware that although people may seem very different from you, we all laugh, cry, and need love and friendship. However different we may appear to be at first, we are all the same, all equal.

Cognitive Strategies and Methods:

Students will first learn the new words to make the reading easier, and then do the exercises which are arranged from simple to a bit deep. Most of the exercises should be finished individually.

Important and Difficult Points:

Students can form a picture of Lijiang and Naxi culture and can describe it briefly.

Students can grasp the main idea by catching the key words and detailed information about each paragraph.

The meaning of the sentence: For example, it is the women who run Naxi society, and until recently, Naxi woman inherited all property.

Teaching Procedure:

Stage 1 Pre-reading (lead-in)

Step 1 T checks how students learn about the new words by doing a match exercise and read the words together.

a. a type of writing that uses pictures gentleman

b. to be born from an egg varied