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选修8《Reading and vocabulary》集体备课教案优质课下载

2. To encourage students to think and talk more about the theme


StepⅠ Lead in

1. The teacher presents a small video about Chinese food to introduce the topic.

2. The teacher does a small quiz game to guess the Chinese snacks. (team competition)

StepⅡ Questions and answers (interaction)

StepⅢ Reading and Speaking

Part One: Read passage one and answer the questions

Passage One:

Chinese people think a lot about food. In fact, I think that they are sometimes absorbed in it. My first experience of Chinese food culture came at a banquet during a trip to Beijing in 1998. I had eaten Chinese food often, but I didn’t imagine how fabulous a real Chinese banquet could be. The first six or seven dishes seemed to fill the table, with plates dangerously balanced one on top of another. I thought this vast wave of food was the total number of dishes to be served, and I started eating greedily. Everyone else just taste a bit of each dish and then put their chopsticks down, continuing to chat. “They can’t have very big appetite,” I thought.

To my surprise, more dishes arrived, plus sups, side dishes, and desserts. There was enough to feed a whole army. No wonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of each dishes; they knew what was still to come. But I was already so full that I could only watch as the banquet continued.

Task 1: Vocabulary: Match the words with the correct meanings

Absorb (a) wanting to eat more than you need

Banquet (b) love it very much

Fabulous (d) the feeling of wanting to eat

Greedy (c) wonderful

Appetite (e) a very large meal for a lot of people

Task 2. Extensive reading: Choose the best summary of passage one.

The writer of Passage 1 _______

A. doesn’t like Chinese food at all.

B. hasn’t got used to most Chinese food yet.

C. likes all the Chinese food.

Task 3: Intensive reading

Please three evident sentences to support this theme of extensive reading
