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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块一 Module I Teenage experiencesSelf-assessment下载详情
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模块一 Module I Teenage experiences《Self-assessment》精品教案优质课下载

学 习 重 难 点Learning important points:

1. To master some usage of key words and expressions

2. To translate some sentences with the words and expressions we have learnt

Learning difficult points:

To express ideas systematically in life with advanced words and expressions.

学 习 过 程Pre-class learning:

Review the contents of M4U2 , complete the assigned tasks in the guided learning plan and write down some usage of key words, phrases and sentence patterns independently.

In-class learning:

Step I. check the answers

Present the answers to the assigned tasks on the screen and ask students to check the answers by themselves.

Step II. difficulties

1. Group work

Ask students to discuss about the usage of some key words ,phrases and sentences patterns with their partners in groups

2. Information gathering

Gather the information about the usage of some key words, phrases and sentence patterns

3. Do some practice relevant to some key words, phrases and sentence patterns

Step III. practice

1. Make students take advantage of what we have reviewed to translate some sentences

2. Do some multiple-choices relevant to the language points of this unit

Step IV. Sharing and Presentation

1. Students correct and grade their partners’ exercises

2. Some students present the exercises they grade and talk about the strengths and weaknesses of the given students

Post-class learning:

1. correct the mistakes in their exercises

2. complete some relevant exercises
