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《Lesson 4 Superhero》教案优质课下载

The topic of this reading passage is superhero. This passage mainly narrates Christopher’s life experiences and how he overcame the difficulties to make a difference in the world. It is closely related to our daily life, so it’s not difficult for students to understand the passage. The main task for students is to learn some basic information of Christopher and get a better understanding of superhero.

Adaptation of the reading material

There is an interview inverted in the narration of Christopher. In order to help students get a clear outline of his life experience, the interview as a whole is taken out and put after the narration to work as complement material of Christopher.

Teaching aims

Knowledge objectives:

1. Ss can work out the meanings of get involved with, pull through by using contexts.

2. Ss get to know the personal experiences of Christopher.

Ability objectives:

1. Ss can infer the good qualities of Christopher from the text.

2. Ss will be able to describe the superheroes in their eyes.

Emotional objectives:

1. Ss will have a better understanding of superhero in our life.

2. Ss will develop a sense of group cooperation.

Teaching focus and difficulties

1. Help Ss learn some good qualities from Christopher.

2. Develop Ss’ critical thinking and evaluation ability.

Teaching method:

1. Task-based teaching and learning.

2. Cooperative learning and practice.

Teaching Procedure

Step 1: Lead-in (3mins)

Enjoy a short video about Superman.

What did the superman do in the video?

Who plays the role of superman in the film? Is he still a superhero in real life?

[设计意图]通过播放《超人》中的惊险片段,吸引学生的学习兴趣,激活学生对超级英雄的认知图式,同时导入Christopher Reeve这个话题人物。