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3. Listening and retelling.

Teaching aims:

1. Inspire the students to imagine the future life.

2. Inspire the students to say something about the future transportation and housing.

3. To improve the students’ oral ability.

Teaching Important & difficult point::

1. Inspire the students to imagine the future life and use the proper expressions.

2. Enable the students to understand the meaning of the text, and say something

according to the text.

3. To improve the students’ oral ability.

Teaching methods:

reading; asking and answering activity; pair or group work.

Teaching Aids: A computer, multmedia.

Teaching procedures:

Step1: Lead-in .

Enjoy a short video, cut from a science fiction film I, robot, to lead the students to imagine the future world.

Step2: Fast Reading

Ask the students to read the text quickly, then find out the main idea of the text, and answer several questions according to each paragraph.

purpose: These questionts are simple questions, just to help the students get a brief acquaintance to the future world described in the text.

Step3: Listening and retelling according to paragraph 4. Show some tips to help the

students retell the sentences.

Purpose: This exercise is a practice for oral test part C in NCEE.

1 2. Practise two topics:

Step4: Design two topics while talking about the hovering carriage and Wang Ping’s

house. Practise the dialogues of making predictions.
