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选修7《Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending》最新教案优质课下载

1.3 Reading是一篇以第一人称描述Marty身残志坚,以积极的态度快乐生活的故事。课文以网页的形式展示,能够吸引学生的注意力,引起学生的极大兴趣。

1.4 Comprehending共有3个练习,这3个练习的设置由表及里,由浅入深,非常科学。练习1是浅层次的事实核对题,旨在让学生了解Marty生活中遇到的各种困难和他对待生活的乐观态度;练习2要求学生总结课文每段的段落大意;练习3是深层次的理解题,要求学生在正确理解课文的基础上,通过讨论得出结论。

The First Period Reading

Teaching goals教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

eyesight, ambition, disabled, beneficial, in other words, clumsy, adapt, microscope, out of breath, absence, stupid, fellow, annoyed, all in all, industry, tank, make fun of, encouragement

b. 重点句型

…but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.

Every time I returned after an absence, I felt stupid because I was behind the others.

All in all, I have a good life.

Just accept them for whom they are and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.

2. Ability goals能力目标

Help students to learn about disability and life of the disabled. Enable students to know that people with disabilities can also live well.

3. Learning ability goals学能目标

By talking about disability and life of the disabled, students will learn some positive stories of the disabled. This will help them understand more about how challenging life can be for the disabled.

Teaching important points教学重点

How positive stories of the people with disabilities inspire others.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to help students understand the difficulties the disabled have to overcome.

Teaching methods教学方法

Discussing, explaining, reading and practicing.

Teaching aids教具准备

Multi-media computer.

Teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式
