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Ⅲ Teaching Objectives 教学目标:


a. Knowledge goals:

(1) Students will have a better understanding of the testing goals of College Entrance Examination: 1.Get main ideas 2.Listen for specific detail 3.Make inferences 4.Understand intention, opinion and attitude.

(2) Students are going to master useful listening techniques: prediction, listening for key words, taking notes as well as making inferences.

b. Ability goals:

Students’ ability of putting the useful skills into practice can be improved.

c. Moral goals:

Students may build up confidence in listening comprehension.

Ⅳ Teaching focus and difficulties教学重难点:

Ss can use listening skills in proper ways according to different testing goals.

Ⅴ Teaching aids: Audio-visual method, Focusky and Hi-teach.

Ⅵ Teaching procedures:

Step1 Lead-in What to do before listening 听力考前准备

【学生活动】Read the following questions and make predictions.

1. What are the family mainly talking about?

A. Avery's rudeness. B. Fern's pig. C. The exam this week.

2. When does the conversation take place?

A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.

3. What surprised Fern's teacher?

A. A toy. B. A doll.C. A pig.

4. How might Fern's teacher feel in the end?

A. Nervous.B. Angry.C. Curious.

Enjoy the video and choose the correct the answer.

【教师活动】 Before listening, you are expected to read and make full use of the given information, thinking about what might happen in the conversation. In this way, you’ll feel more relaxed and better prepared, which will surely lead to better results.