师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
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The students are able to understand the fiction, but they seldom analyze the fiction according to the fiction terms.

三、Teaching Goals

1. Goals of Knowledge and Skills

1) Introduce some basic elements to the students .

2) Master the reading methods and improve their reading ability .

3) Improve the students’ ability of oral expression and broaden their scope of knowledge.

2. Goals of Teaching Procedures and Methods

1) Pre-reading , fast reading, careful reading and post reading

2) Asking-and-answering activities;

3) Pair work: To train Ss’ oral English and cultivate Ss’ reading ability.

4) Show time: Stimulate Ss to take part in the class activity more actively, train their hands-on skills, deepen the Ss’ comprehension to the story.

5)Teamwork(Discussion): Retell the story according to some pictures, meanwhile train their ability of memorizing what they have learnt of this class.

3.Goals of Emotion

1) Educate Sc to cherish their lives.

2) Cultivate their brave, strong quality and endless struggle spirit.

四、Teaching Strategy and Design

To train students’ spirit of teamwork, they find the detailed information of the text mainly by team cooperation.

五、Teaching Important Points and Difficult Points

1. Important Points

1) Understand the author and the basic elements of fiction.

2) Learn to appreciate the fiction.

3)Train the students’ reading skills and improve their reading ability.

4) Get students to master some useful words and expressions.

2. Difficult Points

1) How to cultivate a scientific reading habit and improve the comprehensive ability and language level. .